Lab: Calculating Capacity Requirements

Complete the transaction in index.js found in the folder Lab-Calculating-Capacity-Requirements-Exercise by adding code and values as necessary.

  1. Perform a manual cell collection and locate a usable live cell owned by the account ckt1...gwga and use it to populate the PREVIOUS_OUTPUT variable.

    • Hint: The last successful transaction we worked on earlier in this lesson will give you a usable out point matching this account. You should already have the TX hash.

  2. Populate the TX_FEE variable with a 0.0001 CKByte fee.

    • Hint: The fee value must be given as a BigInt value expressed in Shannons. There are 100,000,000 Shannons in a CKByte.

  3. Populate the output2 variable with a cell output structure that properly creates a change cell for any remaining CKBytes from the input cell.

    • Hint: You can copy the value of output1 to get the required structure, then just change what is necessary.

  4. The transaction you create should have one input, two outputs, and a TX fee.

Run your code by opening a terminal to the Lab-Calculating-Capacity-Requirements-Exercise folder and running node index.js. If you get stuck you can find the solution in the Lab-Calculating-Capacity-Requirements-Solution folder, but don't use it unless you absolutely need it!

Once your code successfully executes, the resulting transaction ID will be printed on the screen without any errors.

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